Friday, April 15, 2011

Dead End Tunnel

So, it's been forever since I have written a blog, but...I felt the urge to get some stuff off my chest. Many of you know the summarized, or Facebook statused version of my job hunt and such of the past year. So, for those of you who are reading this, let me explain.

As you all know, I graduated from college almost a year ago. May 14th, 2010 to be exact. After moving back to Chattanooga and working at the summer camp I had done for the past 3 summers, I started applying for jobs. Meanwhile, I was working 3 part-time jobs. So technically I started interview and applying, etc. in August. I have applied for hundreds, possibly thousands of jobs since then. I had no idea how hard this journey would be...emotionally, spiritually, financially, physically, so on and so on.

Many of you remember my first "real" job interview was with Carnival Cruise Line, in Miami, FL in September. I flew myself to Miami for the interview, no expenses paid. Only to realize the job was a 6 month commitment, making only $1,000/month before taxes. Working 60-7o hours a week. This was double my current workload and about $500 less a month than I was already making. So, it wasn't even a job I could consider financially. Although I was offered the job, I declined.

In October/November I applied for a job with Signal Centers in Chattanooga. It was only a PT position, but it was one in my field, with a great organization. My interview went great. I walked away knowing I had that job "in the bag". I also knew 2 current employees there and a close family friend of mine knew my interviewer very well. All 3 of these people talked to the woman who interviewed me. She informed them all that I had the job, and she couldn't wait to call me and offer me the position. I was so excited. After 2 weeks I began to wonder why I had heard I had the job, yet never officially heard anything from the agency. After 1 whole month of trying to contact them to figure out what was going on, I finally got an email back saying the grant to pay the positions salary had ended. Therefore, the job was no more. Devesated, I realized with nonprofits this was a normal thing I was going to have to overcome.

In early Decemeber I applied for a job at East Ridge Elementary with Hamilton County Dept. of Education. Getting into HCDE is hard unless you know someone, so I pulled all my "strings" in order to find an opening within the county. (With my major I am not certified to teach, but there are some "classified" jobs that I am qualified for). So, a job came open, I applied, interivewed, and was offered the position on the spot. I accepted. 2 weeks later I received a phonecall saying that the position required a teaching certificate that they "thought" I had, even though in the interview we specifically covered the topic of how I DIDN'T have my certificate. So, devesated again, this time moreso emotionally, I carried on.

After taking a few weeks for the holidays, etc. and trying to deal with the previous 2 letdowns, I found a Social Work position in Cleveland/Athens, TN that was hiring. I applied, interivewed, loved it. Left the interview again feeling as though I had the job. The woman even said, "I will talk to my supervisor today and speed this up so we can get you started ASAP." I was excited because being a Social Worker has always been a passion for me. Once again, days, weeks, months went by...never heard back from them. Emails were all unanswered, phonecalls were all unreturned.

Waiting for them to call me took up a good month. So around late February I was asked to come interview for a position with the GA Dept. of Family and Children's Services in Toccoa, GA...5 hours away. I was so excited about the opportunity to move away and start MY life. So, I took off work and went to interview for the job. It went well, although I wasn't given any specific comments that made me feel as though I had it "in the bag" so I waited a few days, hopeful that this would finally be my chance to move and start my career, only to receive and email, only with the words: "You were not selected for the job. Good luck on your hunt." I was crushed. I finally decided I was done. This was too much emotionally for me to handle not feeling "good enough"...What was going wrong? What was I not doing right? I felt like I was a joke. Here I have worked my whole life towards one goal that I can NOT reach. I broke down once I received the email. It just so happened I was at work that morning when I got it with my current boss. We talked and talked and she tried to encourage me. All I could do was cry. Sure, I am supposed to be a man and be tough. But after 5 months of let downs I had enough. That day I was staying to paint one of the bathrooms at work. After everyone left, I walked into one of the rooms, sat down in a corner, and let it all out. I was a mess. After I had composed myself I remember just thinking in my head, "God, WHAT am I supposed to be doing? What do you WANT me to do NOW?" I looked up, facing the bathroom which I had painted about 2 weeks prior. On that wall I painted this verse: "When you hope, be joyful. When you suffer, be patient. When you pray, be faithful." Romans 12:12. I just kept reading "be patient" over, and over, and over.

The next week or two I received a phone call from the Walker County Dept of Family and Childrens Services about a job opening. It was for the same position I applied for in Toccoa. This seemed perfect. I could still live here, rent free, and have a fulltime job doing Social Work. Perfect. I went through a phone screening interview and we scheduled an interview for the next week. Well, guess what, with my luck, I woke up the night before sick. I was throwing up like you couldn't imagined. I remember sitting in front of the toilet thinking you have GOT to be kidding me...long story short, I had to call and cancel my interview. I asked to reschedule. She said she would call me back with a new date and time. I never heard back.

After this I decided, alright, I am DONE with the job hunt. I will just stay in Chattanooga, continue my parttime jobs and work to get my Masters in Elem. Education. That was that. No more emailing resumes, interviews, or let downs.

In late March I received an email from a friend about a job in Knoxville with the Florence Crittenton Agency doing Foster Care work. I figured, what do I have to lose? So I emailed my resume on a Sunday afternoon. First thing Monday morning I recieved a call asking if I wanted to schedule a phone interview, so I did. It was the following Thursday. I was SO nervous. More nervous than I had been for any face to face interivew I had so far. I REALLY wanted this one. After researching their agency, etc. I fell in love with it. What an opportunity this could be. The phone interview went great. So great that we scheduled an interview for the next day!! ... I was terrified. I was determined to get this job.

It's 15 minutes before my interview, I am sitting in my car, preparing myself and praying. I remember I just kept saying "PLEASE let this workout, Lord. PLEASE" I ended it with, "If this is not meant to be, then please give me a peace of mind and direction for my future. And I will try to trust in you and be patient." But I knew it would be hard. During the interivew they pegged me with some of the hardest questions I had ever been asked. There were 3 women in the room. I answered to the best of my ability, but I walked out feeling defeated. I was so heartbroken. I knew they weren't going to call. It was the longest drive back home I felt like I had ever driven. If I wasn't emotionally broken before, I was for sure now.

My interview was Friday. Monday morning I received a call asking if I wanted a second interview with the HR Director, because the previous interviewers loved me. I was so confused. Had they meant to call someone else? Because I had already told myself I wasn't getting the job. So of course, I agreed to interview, which again, was the next day. So Tuesday I drive up again. Interviewed with just one woman who was so so kind. It went great. I had the job, I knew I did. She asked, "have you been looking for apartments here in Knoxville?" and I said, "yes, but I was waiting to hear about this job." And she replied with a wink, saying, "I can't officially offer you the position, but if I were you I would find a place to live, ASAP"...I was stoked. Finally, FINALLY, I was happy. In almost a year I felt as though I finally found where I was supposed to be. I LOVE Knoxville, I had wanted to live there after college, but it just didn't work out. In the interview she said, the agency's policy is that if you don't hear from them after the interview, allowing 1-2 weeks, to assume I didn't have the position. But that they would NOT contact me. Well, it's been two weeks. I have emailed, and left a voicemail. No replies. Nothing. I can honestly say that at this point in my life I am emotionally and spiritually at a dead end.

Where do I go from here? What the heck am I supposed to do? Why am I having to deal with all this pain and suffering? Why am I not good enough for these jobs? What am I saying/doing wrong? I wish I knew the answers. I am absolutely confused, stressed, tired, drained, upset, devestated, depressed, hurt, I have lost hope and care. I am done. I don't know what God wants me to do. Where He wants me to go. I have tried to stay on a path with my career and do the things I feel that God wanted me to do, and things that I love. I KNOW this is the field I am supposed to be in. It's just right, it's me. When I think of myself, the first thing that comes to mind is kids. They absolutely have my heart. But why can I not get a job doing this?

Through all of this people have said the typical, "just be patient", "the right job will come along", "God has something better planned", etc. etc. etc. Well, I just want to say back "easy for you to say". If it weren't for my grandfather allowing me to live in one of his homes, rent free, I would be a 22 y.o. college graduate living with his parents. I wouldn't be able to afford rent, I can't even get a loan as it is for a new car because I can't prove "full-time employment" even though I work over 35 hours a week. It's all I can do now to pay the bills I DO have. So when people tell me "be patient" and "God has a plan"....... I just don't see it. I am so tired of being let down and hurt. I want to feel "good enough"...........I just want to be happy. This has definitely been the hardest year of my life. I feel like I am in a dead end tunnel, and I am at the end. I have NO idea where to go. NO idea what to do next. I am 100% lost, confused, and tired.

I do appreciate everyones prayers and support through the process. I just want people to understand where I am coming from and to try to understand my past experiences. Don't take me for someone who is weak and gives up easily. Because I don't. I have just run out of steam right now and I guess I just have to wait. It's gonna take some time to rebuild some self-confidence and emotional strength. But I'm a fighter. I know some day I will be happy. I just wish I knew when that day was.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

oh, you didn't see that car coming?

so lately, my blood has been boiling. to understand the title and picture of this blog, let me explain. in life, you make friends and you have family. these friends and family, like yourself, make mistakes. so, being their friend, and family member, do you not have a responsibility to say something when you feel they are making a mistake? my analogy is the "mistake" is the car. if someone is standing in the road, and you see a car barreling down the road, you have two options. first, you do whatever you can to make them see the car, and get out of the way. or second, you just sit back and watch, and hope they see the car, or even hope someone else will say "hey IDIOT! theres a CAR coming!"

here is my annoyance. i currently know someone "standing in the road" and at this point, there isn't a car coming...theres a semi-truck. and it's traveling at about 100 miles an hour. i, have no problem speaking my peace, making my point, and doing my part in telling this person to get out of the road. my problem is people i know, who are perfectly content just sitting back and watching this semi-truck crushing this person to pieces. and when its over, respond with the stupid response, "oh, you didn't see that car coming?"...

i hope that if i ever stepped in front of a car, my friends and family would be there to help me. whether its, "hey, drew, be careful! theres a car coming!" or... "hey you stupid moron, GET OUT OF THE ROAD!!!!!!!!" either way, don't just sit there. you have a responsibility to help them out. if you feel you don't have that responsibility, i suggest you reevaluate your relationship with that person.

so, what if you let this person know they're about to get hit, but yet they still choose to cross the road. well, in my opinion, thats when you've done your part. its not your part to force them out of the road. but it is your part to make sure they know what's headed for them. right? i think at least...correct me if i am wrong. i have had too many people tell me, "well i don't want to make _____ mad", or "it won't matter what i say, _______ won't listen to me" doesn't matter. as a friend, as a person, as a Christian. get off your something.

everyone knows the verse in the Bible, "If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!" Ecclesiastes 4:10.....well, i say, pity the friend who knows his friend has fallen, but doesn't help him up.

so, there is my soap, if you will excuse me, i have someone who's about to get smashed by a semi-truck. i'm going to go help them.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

sick of being the statue...

somedays, youre the pigeon...and others, well...the statue. let me just say, today, i was definitely the statue! i LOATHEEEEE thursdays. let me just explain my weekly occurrence known as "thursday"....
7:30am - wake up
7:40am - take my shower
8:00am - leave for knoxville (UTK extension)
8:45am - arrive at knoxville
8:45-11:15am - practicum observation at UTK
11:15am - leave knoxville
11:50am - arrive back at carson-newman
12:00-1:15pm - business communications (class)
1:15-1:25pm - use bathroom and walk to next class
1:30-2:45pm - methods of teaching (class)
2:50-3:50pm - work study (side note, MINIMUM WAGE for ONE HOUR! ugh)
4:00-6:30pm - human sexuality (night class)
6:40pm - get home, use the bathroom, take out trash
7:00pm - reheat leftovers for dinner
7:30pm - work on homework (and facebook, just a little!) :)

so, please note that you did NOT see ANY food enter my schedule until 7pm. yes, i went all day on no food. its a wonder i survive thursdays. i mean, its hell, quite frankly. and its not like i have any free time to squeeze in a quick lunch break anywhere. not to mention my only income for the day was minimum wage....and by the time taxes are taken out, i made a good, eh, 5-6 bucks.

i am so over school stress its insane. my workload this semester has been harder then ever. and im not complaining because i dont want to do it, or im lazy, etc. i understand that i am in college and i have to do the work...thats not the problem. but when EVERY teacher expects ridiculous amounts of homework to be done, its impossible. i dont know how many nights its been 2-3 am and im thinking, there is NO way i am going to finish this homework and still find time to sleep tonight.

im looking SO forward to next semester and for these classes to be OVER with! bluhhhh. ok, enough complaining. i just needed to vent!!!

i hate you thursdays.

Monday, November 9, 2009

We've No Less Days...

For starters, I will start by saying "I don't know where to start".... At this point I have so many things I would like to get off my chest. This probably won't make sense, and it most likely won't apply to you. However, for my personal satisfaction-this blog is important.

On November 2, around 5:30pm, my sweet, beautiful, grandmother breathed her last breath right in front of me. My first death I had experienced in my family; and I cannot explain the hurt and sorrow I have felt since that day. This past week has been such a blur. Quite honestly, I don't think it has completely hit me yet. And I am dreading the day when it does.

Trying to imagine the Holidays without my grandmother is impossible. It's all I have known. Since before I was born, every Christmas Eve in my family, you were to be at MurMur's house. We would have a big family dinner, followed by presents galore. This year...I feel like skipping Christmas.

Throughout this whole process I have been SO thankful for the prayers and support received from friends. I have been so blessed with friends and family. I'm not going to lie and say that my grandmother's death has brought me closer to God-because it hasn't. Some days I go from being so thankful to of been given the grandmother I had. And others, I'm disgusted at the fact that she was taken away from me.

People have said, "just be thankful she isn't in pain anymore"...I am. Or, "you will see her again some day"...I will. And the most annoying and upsetting response, "it'll get easier with time". I know people mean well, but these responses make me want to scream at them. I know she's in a better place, I know I will see her again. But for now, I'm grieving, I'm upset, I'm angry, and I'm incredibly thankful all at the same time. As for now, it isn't easy, and it doesn't appear to be getting any easier.

I miss my grandmother so much. Words can't describe. My grandmother never failed to end a phone conversation with me by saying, "We are so proud of you." That meant so much to me. My biggest prayer throughout this whole process was that God would just let her live until May for my college graduation. I so badly wanted to be selfish and just ask her to hang on...just for me; but I didn't. I absolutely fall apart when I think about walking across that stage and not seeing her in the audience being there for me. But I know she will be there. And I know she will be proud.

I continue to wear my LiveSTRONG bracelet everyday. Cancer has taken away too many of my loved ones.

MurMur, I am so lucky to be your grandson. I will miss you every single day. Every time I look at my bracelet I am reminded of you. Some days hurt worse than others, but I'm ok. I dread the Holidays without you, and I can't begin to understand what it will be like without you there. I hope you know how much I love you and miss you. I cannot wait to walk through those pearly gates and see your beautiful smile again....but until then, I will weep, I will grieve, I will be thankful, and I will get through this. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. I look forward to the day I can tell my children about my amazing grandmother, MurMur, and how much she meant to me.

I love you.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

aspire to be an esquire

so, it's official....i've lost my mind...

ive officially decided to make it my goal to go to law school. crazy, right? some people are shocked when i tell them...but im not really shocked. when i told my mom, she said, "i always knew you were going to be some time of a politician!" ... comforting, eh? lol... but anyways. my major right now is child and family studies. and in the back of my mind, family law, childrens rights attorney, etc... interested me and was a dream goal..."dream" being the key word. i would have never seriously considered law school until a pep talk from my dean.

this "dream" of mine, could easily be on the same level as, "i want to start an orphanage in Africa" type of dream...a.k.a. far-fetched! but lately, ive been realizing, graduation is only a year away. and i got tired of this conversation with people:

"whats your major?"
"child and family studies!"
"so what do you want to do with that?"
"thats a good question! i have no idea"

...this was ALWAYS the scenario. but lately, i would start answering, "well i would love to go to law school, but that will never happen"...and finally, someone responded, "why wont that happen?"...and i didnt have an answer... so i have officially decided that i am going to make my dream come true. why not? its just weird to me that i may be a "lawyer" (if i actually pass the LSAT, get accepted to a school, can afford it, and graduate!) i mean, my official signature would become, Mr. Andrew Mullins, C.F.C.S., J.D......scary.

so, ive been battling it on and off for a couple of years now, whether or not i was cut out for law school. its going to be tough, i know. i mean, undergrad school will def. look like elementary school once i step into law school. buts its totally going to be worth it! beyond my paycheck, the real reward will be making a difference in kids lives who have no voice to speak for themselves within legal issues!

so now begins the law school journey. i have sent out "request more information" emails to atleast 20-30 law schools in the south eastern united states. schools from utk college of law, to faulkner law school, to schools in WV, VA, FL, AL, GA, NC, and SC. im going at this full force! i am excited. it just feels right now! i finally feel like i have a path paved out for its just my time to step aside and let God finish paving before i step in the wet cement!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

hold fast. help is on the way...

so. its wednesday night, 6:28 pm, and a song comes on the radio, Love 89.1 (a christian radio station that i RARELY listen to). so this song starts playing, and im pretty much floored. it just happened to be the right song, at the right time. see, every wednesday night at 6:30 i teach the preschoolers at first united methodist church in jefferson, of course, realizing i am already late, i continue sitting in the parking lot listening to this song. after composing myself back to sanity, i do my wednesday night thing... in this process i forgot the lyrics of the song, or the title, artist, etc. so i finally get home. scrambling through my messed up brain trying to think of the words to the song. so after coming up with like 4 words of the song, i googled, and googled, and googled, nothing. i looked on the website, nothing. i emailed the dj during that time, no response...i called the radio station, no answer. i was helplessly obsessed with finding this song. i had my radio on Love 89 for nearly 24 hours, hoping this song would come back on, and didnt.

so after a looong two days of searching for this song, my cousin gets the bright idea to try and google some lyrics i told her. 2 seconds after...she found it. absolutely made me sick! so anyways, after much searching, here are the lyrics to my new favorite song. it just so happens to fit my life in the most perfect way.

Hold Fast, by MercyMe:

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord

Here He comes
Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing stronger than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

easier to walk alone...

so i dont really know how to start this blog. im honestly, speechless. i feel like i have so many thoughts running through my head that there is no way to get across what im feeling. so for most of you, this will not make sense...but after all arent blogs for venting???...

as of today, i am done. i am done with my past, i am done with fake people, i am done. ive tried way too long and way too hard. i have never felt so betrayed by so many people. this may step on some peoples toes, but im sorry....youve stepped on mine long enough...apparently there is a barrier between chattanooga and jefferson city. its funny how phone calls, texts, facebook comments, emails, letters, and funny enough, friends seem to not be allowed past this certain point. i try to keep in contact with people from home, and in return, i get run over. people say, "well we just move on in life" or whatever other excuses you can come up with. im done with excuses. for once just admit your fault.

it seems so easy for people to go long periods of time without talking to me from home. i wish there was some way for me to repay this feeling to you, quite honestly. i am so numb to the pain of friendships its not even funny. im at the point now where i wish i could just pack up all my belongings and move to some foreign country, you wouldnt care! dont interpret this to be some depressing, saddened, or upset blog.....dont get me wrong. im so glad to have realized that if you dont feel you need me in your life, by all means, let me step right out of it.

ive learned lately walking alone seems to make the path easier. when someone else falls, you try your hardest to help them up. but the second you trip, or fall flat on your face, you get up to realize there is no one there. so it boils down to walking alone, and fending for yourself; or walking with a "friend" only to be left behind. so im done, this monkey is off my back.
its time for you to step up. even if this doesnt apply to you, you should consider the friends in your life, the FAMILY in your life, if indeed you have any...for petes sake pick up the phone. dont text, dont email, dont facebook, call. sometimes people like to feel important and needed.

walking alone.